Grand Rapids hearings are assigned to Kurt Steinke. You may also contact his case analyst for assistance regarding confirmation matters. (BG—Cindy Collins-Jenkins)

Kalamazoo hearings are assigned to Kurt Steinke. You may also contact his case analyst for assistance regarding confirmation matters. (DK—Heidi Laser)

Lansing hearings are assigned to Stacy Davis. You may also contact her case analyst for assistance regarding confirmation matters. (GL—Heidi Laser)

Marquette hearings for the BM docket are assigned to Kurt Steinke. You may also contact her case analyst for assistance regarding confirmation matters. (BM—Heidi Laser)

Effective October 1, 2014, any and all documents or pleadings necessary to resolve issues in a case set for hearing, must be received in the Trustee’s office by 11:30 a.m.  the day before the hearing.

Failure to submit to the Trustee any and all documents and/ or all filed pleadings necessary to resolve the issues in the case by 11:30 a.m. the day before the hearing will result in the Trustee not reviewing these documents. 

Your appearance in court will be required for any hearings not resolved by 11:30 a.m. the day before the hearing in the case.